Monday, November 10, 2014 — In the Open Sanctuary

Greetings from across “the pond”. For this week’s worship-reflection-quiet time, I will be providing some scripture verses, an image that caught my eyes and that of my camera, sometimes a verse that I have written to accompany the image and a short prayer. May God in Christ continue to lead us in surprising ways. Plenty blessings

“And we speak of these things in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit….” [I Corinthians 2:13]

in the open sanctuary of God’s world
let praise flow out.
stretch out your all
till you can feel your toes
tingle with joy and
muscles relax from frenzied activities.
delight in the sermon of
freshness and unpredictable winds
‘fluttering’ overgrown grass
creating symphonies of kissing leaves,
sunlight doing dancing magic
through tiny cracks
travelling through the sanctuary
a sacrament for all to delight in.
in the open sanctuary of God’s world
let praise flow out…….

May the whole of our lives be embodied testimonies of way of God, the Divine Lover in Christ – the way of love given for the whole world.

About Michael Jagessar

Michael Jagessar is a minister of the United Reformed Church (UK) and self-identifies as a member of the Caribbean diaspora. You can follow him at This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online