Saturday, November 22, 2014 — Aloha

Almost 24 hours from my Friday morning alarm I arrived to the words Aloha!!! I was in every timezone in the US yesterday either on the ground or airspace…I went from 28 degrees to 70 degrees…and was attacked by 2 little people and 3 4-legged furry family members…but enough about my travels let us pray together

Almighty God
Many times when it comes to Science, technology, and things like that You receive no thanks at all.
We pray for doctors to have steady hands but we forget to thank you for advancements in medicine.
We thank you for rain for sun but we forget to thank you for the technology that allows things like flood warnings to be issued.
We thank you traveling mercies but we never think to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for mechanical knowledge that went into building those planes.
We thank you for the technology that allows this body of believers to be in relationship not only with you but each other.
Without Your gifts of knowledge, wisdom, patience where would we be…thank you God for all that you provide us…and yes even the rain that is falling here now…
Be present with us as we go about our day…if it is our day of Sabbath grant us rest.
As with every prayer we pray this one in the name of Jesus…Amen

About Joanne Sharpe

Joanne Sharpe teaches at a Missouri Synod Lutheran school, attends classes at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, and serves as director of children's ministries at an ECLA church. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online