Thoughtful Reflection Needed

Re The Will of Christ, October

I believe thoughtful reflection of controversial matters is almost always beneficial, but I would be far more convinced that this conversation should happen now in the PCC if the initiative was coming from congregations more typical of our denomination. I’m thinking of congregations with less than 70 in worship on Sunday and who are struggling annually not just with issues of mission but survival. If these congregations were advocating for such a conversation as being crucial to the future of our denomination, then I would be more compelled to consider the resources that will be expended by the whole church in such an intensive conversation as a timely investment. I suspect if asked, many of these more typical congregations would consider the matter worthwhile; it just isn’t one that’s currently pressing on their agenda. And it seems from the decision of the last General Assembly their pressing needs should be a very high priority in the church’s agenda.