Context and Culture

Re First Thoughts, November
I appreciate the concise and cogent words and logic used in expressing the viewpoints made by the two writers. At our church, the framework around our teaching and preaching this year is having Holy Conversations; that is, talking to each other about what it is that God is saying to us, individually and corporately. This present conversation, rooted in human sexuality, is one that all of us in our denomination need to be engaged in, authentically and transparently.

More generally, it seems to me that the issue is also about how each of us discerns and interprets, with the Holy Spirit as guide, the word of God. There are other equally important issues in which we could be engaged in Holy Conversation, and (without meaning to diminish in any way the life altering impact that our exclusion of some people has on those people) it does seem that as Christians we do get a little hung – up on this issue. David Harris approaches the issue from one of biblical context; Andrew Faiz approaches it from the context of our current – day culture. Very different approaches, it seems to me, that get us to the same place. I don’t mind admitting that this middle – aged man (but not, I hope, self – important) has changed his views on this issue over the years.
With thanks to the publisher and senior editor of the Record for their leadership on this issue. May our denomination have this Holy Conversation with a posture of trust, humility, and respect—knowing that in Christ, all things hold together, and nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ.