Faith and Trust

Re Seeking Transcendence, November

I’m enjoying Rev. Stewart’s articles. This latest brought to mind personal occasions of transcendence as experienced through following God’s directives. Something of the like happens when one is caring for a sick loved one. Giving God full rein through faith and trust, He rewards us with a serenity and even a confidence in our own ability to cope. Akin to transcending to another level of worship … a deeper knowledge of Him … a renewal.

Faith to the max + trust = new insight into the amazing and ascending love that God offers. Mix in a generous helping of prayer (the closest communication with God) and He will send the peace and clarity needed to continue climbing. If the ultimate goal is to be closer to God, intimate worship with Him is the first step.

So, yes, loving and caring for others is a given, but we must follow through and focus on His directives in our lives so that our next step will be effective. Renewal begins at home.

About Deana Weyman, king city, Ont.