Saturday, December 6, 2014 — Every Person

In writing about the contemplative life, Sr. Joan Chittester said: “The major concern with this lifestyle is the human tendency to turn in on ourselves and to forget our obligation to build up the entire human community.” (taken from The Monastery Of The Heart) It is not only the contemplative who may fall into this trap. This day, let us pray for others.

Creating God, you did, indeed, make all things
And every person is the product of your hand
On this day, let us remember our sisters and brothers
In every part of the world, in every walk of life
I lift up to you those who work for others
May they feel appreciated for all that they do
I lift up to you those who care for others
May they know how necessary their care is
I lift up to you those who teach others
May they be able to pass on knowledge and skills
I lift up to you those who defend others – military or police
May they use their power in the right way
I lift up to you our decision makers
May they allow themselves to be guided by you
I lift up to you the “least of these”
May they know your love
And together, may we all be a part of your Kingdom
Joining hands, working as one, to your praise and glory
Here and now, and later, in eternity

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister of St. Andrew’s, Quebec City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online