Second Week of Advent Wednesday

Stir up our hearts O Emmanuel that we can always see when people need help.   Stir up our souls O Dayspring that the Your Light may shine upon those we  help this day.    Come Lord Jesus Come.  Amen.


Romans 15: 1 – 14

Encouragement and enthusiasm.      These two positive words pop out of the Epistle reading today.    Encouragement and enthusiasm.  This is the time of year when in our local newspaper are photos of people doing philanthropy …..  giving the large cheques to organizations and  donations of food and clothing to the local food banks.  We read about the big generous acts of philanthropy — the big scenes of encouragement and enthusiasm, yet  here in Brandon is a congregation that is always giving encouragement and enthusiasm quietly but steadily.  St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church has been a part of the community of Brandon for over 104 years.     It is delightful to be part of a congregation where there are such generous hearts.   Each week during Advent,  the congregation opens the doors of the Church to the community.    At noon hour we worship together and celebrate the coming of the Christ Child.   After worship is over,  we gather in the hall for lunch.   The food is all donated by the cooks and bakers.     Those who stay for lunch can eat for free or donate monies.  The monies go to a local kids club.    Hanging in the Nave is an ironwork mitten tree created by an Elder.    Over Advent,  mittens are collected and go to local schools where the children come to class with bare hands.     The mittens are knit not only by St Andrew’s  congregation but also by those in the community who are shut in and think they have nothing left to give back to their community.     St Andrew’s  has given them a task.   This year to date two women who are shut in have knit over 50 mittens.  Two Elders organize and collect items for two  Christmas Hampers.   Two families in Brandon will be able to celebrate the Birth of the Christ Child with food and gifts.      Quietly and steadily this congregation is sharing the love of Christ with the community.   The Church itself operates on a shoe string budget…. but the Session and congregation look beyond the dollar and seek out those in the community that are in need.    The glorious impossible.     The coming of the Christ Child.   This congregation fully understands Advent.