Wednesday, December 24, 2014 — Love Songs

Scripture tells us that God is love (and lover and beloved), so it seems appropriate to sing love songs to God and also to hear God singing them to us. Perhaps one of these songs or some other will get stuck in your head for the day, providing a constant link to the Mystery that abides within and among us.

1. “I’ll Get By” goes back to my earliest childhood of post-WWII housing shortages when multiple generations naturally lived together, so children often heard things on the radio that were not meant for them.

2. “Where is Love?” from the musical Oliver presents some interesting pronoun choices when sung to Being.

3. “Still the One” by Orleans (1976) may seem too casual for communication with the Source of the universe, but it makes me happy.

We’ve been together since way back when
Sometimes I never want to see you again
But I want you to know
After all these years
You’re still the one
I want whisperin’ in my ear

You’re still the one
I want to talk to in bed
Still the one
That turns my head
We’re still having fun and
And you’re still the one

4. In contrast to the above, “You” by Bonnie Raitt soars into transcendent bliss.

About Cossy Ksander

Cossy Ksander is a Presbyterian minister, healing touch practitioner, and explorer of a Quaker perspective on life. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online