Tuesday: What Should Have Been Left Unsaid

“I know what brought
that expression to her face.
During one of her sittings
Leo said to her, “You know, Mona
you’re very intelligent
for a woman.”
(On Mona’s Smile by Winona Baker)

How many times do you say something, which in hindsight, you should have left unsaid? How many times have you opened your mouth without thinking, and unintentionally hurt someone?

Lord, help me this day to guard my tongue
Help me to still the quick retort which
Springs, unbidden, to my lips
Help me to think before I speak
So that I will not hurt
One of your beloved children

It is too easy, Lord, to ramble
On and on and on and on
Filling the silence with nothing
May each word that I do say be considered carefully
So that it says
Exactly what I mean

And let me not forget, Lord,
To use my words to your glory
For it is then that I show others
Who and whose I am.

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister at St. Andrew’s, Quebec City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online