Wednesday: Years

“It took the sea a thousand years,
A thousand years to trace
The granite features of this cliff,
In crag and scarp and base.

“It took the sea an hour one night,
An hour of storm to place
The sculpture of these granite seams
Upon a woman’s face. ”
(Erosion by E. J. Pratt)

A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. (Psalm 90: 4)

This morning, Lord, I am thinking about time –
How much we have, or how little
What we do with it, or what we leave undone
Today, I pray that I will use each minute,
Each hour
In such a way as to bring glory to your name

The time that has already passed
Has left its mark
Kind people call them “laugh lines”
Other people call them “wrinkles”
But I would not lose a single one
For I gained them through living
I gained them through loving
Through weeping
Through celebrating
Through doing your work

Lord, I cherish each line
Each wrinkle
For they show a face that has lived
A face that belongs to your beloved child
A face that shines with your glory

About Katherine Burgess

Katherine Burgess is minister at St. Andrew’s, Quebec City. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online