
Like most of you, I hate admitting I am wrong…I had to apologize twice today to the same person. The first incident was because of fear…and fear can evoke anger and the second incident was because I was unknowledgeable…that sounds better than stupid, but really I was stupid.

My friend, who was unwell, told me she had taken a medication that had been prescribed many years before when her husband had died. What she neglected to tell me was that it had also been prescribed again just a year ago. I was fearful, thinking she had taken a medication that was years old and so upset that I said I was angry at her. Big apology when it all got straightened out.

Then at lunch she said something about getting all her medications put in’ bubble packs’…I used to line up my husband’s and put them in weekly plastic containers…I finally went on line to see what she was talking about…it seems ‘bubble packs’ are quite a different thing. She is always so patient with me.

…. …I wrote the following poem about her which was printed in “Good Times”


“I’ll pray for rain,” Paula advised.
I argued with my friend.
“My computer states,
this drought’s not going to end.”
“Oh you, of little faith she quoted,”
And she was oh, so right.
This morning I opened up the blinds
And it had rained all night.

Being right seems to be so important to us. We pick up a bit of information here and there and suddenly we are experts. Pride does go before a fall and those kind of falls really hurt.

Recently I was involved in a family upset. I took something for granted and was hurt when I found out I didn’t have all the facts. A friend of mine shared that something similar had happened to her this last week. Friends can let you down and you recover but when family does it doubles the pain.

Judge not! Scripture keeps telling us and we run off at the mouth without really thinking of the consequences. Sometimes our sound advice is anything but sound. So much for being old and wise.

It’s such a blessing to have a God who understands and loves us in spite of our failings. He has picked me up and dusted me off so many times, I probably have shiny spots on me.

So I confess to Him again, that I have messed up and He accepts my apology and has the grace to keep caring for me…his love is eternal and his mercy beyond words.