
The other day I walked into the meeting room at the church and began to rearrange some of the tables…they were not lined up perfectly and nothing bothers me more than things all askew. The tables were heavy but I managed to drag them around by myself and felt quite satisfied when I looked them over. “There,” I said, “perfect.”

I looked over to see a friend sort of smiling at me and realized I had been caught out “fixing” again. It is a terrible weakness I have although it is not an obsession. I just like things “neat”.

She laughed and shared that she had been struggling earlier with the tables and had tried to get them lined up. I knew what a struggle she had had and I felt terribly guilty. She has a very bad knee and it probably was a painful ordeal…and yet she had wanted to help make the room look nice.

Moroseness filled my being…why had I not just left well enough alone? She laughed at my apology then asked if I had ever noticed that the two paintings over my dining room table are out of line.

My easy chair that I continually occupy faces the other direction and I hadn’t really looked seriously at the paintings for some time…she had graciously declined to advise me until now.

Immediately the scripture about the mote and the log in Matthew 7:1-5 surfaced. God always seems to have the last word…there was nothing I could do to really excuse myself …I had messed up. Wisdom is not always the inalienable right of seniors. Sometimes the wisest things are said by children; but I will keep trying to keep my concerns to myself…and not be so anxious to “fix” everything.

Of course it wasn’t the first time or the last time I have goofed but I am so thankful that I have a God who forgives and I am also happy I have a good friend who looks kindly on me when I get too enthusiastic about having things “perfect.”