Tuesday: Surprising Epiphanies

1. Scripture. Read the Psalm three times: once silently, twice out loud:

Psalm 71

Lord, on thee my trust is grounded:
Leave me not with shame confounded;
But in justice bring me aid.
Let thine ear to me be bended:
Let my life from death defended
Be by thee in safety stayed.

Be my rock, my refuge tower,
Show thy unresisted power,
Working now thy wonted will:
Thou, I say, that never feignest
In thy biddings but remainest
Still my rock, my refuge still.

(Trans. Mary Sidney Herbert)

2. Reflection. Read the poem three times, once silently, twice out loud:

Watching the moon
at dawn,
solitary, mid-sky,
I knew myself completely:
no part left out.

–Isumi Shikibu

3. Reflection for prayer.

The light of God can appear in surprising epiphanies, like “the moon at dawn.” Pray that you will be alert to God’s light during the day. Where will you find it? In whom will you see it? Will God’s light shine within you for others today?

(Art by Israel Galindo)

About Israel Galindo

Israel Galindo is associate dean for lifelong learning at Columbia Theological Seminary and the author of 18 books including The Hidden Lives of Congregations. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online