Thursday: The Rule of the Heart

1. Scripture. Read the passage twice in silence, then once aloud.

Psalm 121

Up to these bright and gladsome hills
Whence flows my weal, and mirth,
I look, and sigh for God, who fills
(Unseen) both heaven and earth.

The glorious God is my sole stay,
God is my sun, and shade.
The cold by night, the heat by day,
Neither shall me invade.

God keeps me from the spite of foes,
Does all their plots control,
And is a shield (not reckoning those)
Unto my very soul.

Whether abroad, amidst the crowd,
Or else within my door,
God is my pillar and my cloud,
Now, and forevermore.

(Trans. Henry Vaughn)

2. Reflection. Read the poem once in silence, then twice aloud.

The Pathway Finally Opened

When my heart came to rule
in the world of love,
it was freed
from both belief
and from disbelief.

On this journey,
I found the problem
to be myself.

When I went beyond myself,
the pathway finally opened.

By Mahsati Ganjavi
(12th Century)
English version by David and Sabrineh Fideler

3. Reflection for prayer.

Over what will your heart rule over today? At what moments during the day will you need to go beyond your self— your biases, your fears, your self-centeredness, your self-interest—in order for God to guide your way?

(Art by Israel Galindo)

About Israel Galindo

Israel Galindo is associate dean for lifelong learning at Columbia Theological Seminary and the author of 18 books including The Hidden Lives of Congregations. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online