Tuesday: Who Else?

A post for night-owls like me.

In this snow-filled darkness…I find myself wondering…who else is looking up into this sky; who else is getting lost in starry saucers; who and what am I connected to under this starry sky? And, not just the peaceful-quiet-romantic truth…but what battles….what loneliness…what stories are being told into this night? I am hoping….praying…sending out into this night….asking God to send signs of unity to those who need it…a feeling of fullness to those seeking it (including me)….asking God to send the wind of the Spirit to direct me and other seeking to follow a meaningful path…

Brothers and sisters we are a family at all times…but let us take a moment….holding hands with the night….to recognize the sadness we share….the blessings we hold in each others’ hands….and sit/stand/kneal/lay for a moment in the darkness which God’s makes full by the hidden, abundant, night of the Spirit….

About Gneid Walsh

Gneid Walsh is a United Church minister in Newfoundland. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online