Wednesday: Wrapped Up into this Morning

Awaking this morning with a sky full of the sun…casting a yellow glaze over the winter landscape…the birds are speaking…singing…..God’s beauty ringing.

What’s happening in your morning world, brothers and sisters? How is God waking up your edge of the world – or not – this morning? Are there drifts…or is there grass swaying….birds or children playing….chaos in need of praying hands…or someone in need of laying hands?

We are all wrapped up into this morning together. Remember that with a humility of awe…with the warmth of infinity…the blessing of eternity. Blessings to you: my family far and near. Feel this love…connected…which unites every creature, sea, and sky…you and me…every rock and tree….thanks be….

About Gneid Walsh

Gneid Walsh is a United Church minister in Newfoundland. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online