Wednesday: Hidden

I sometimes think of molas as “visual scriptures” that were originally painted on the bodies of the women of Kuna Yala. And now they are sewn on their blouses. Hidden in the patterns and stitches are unseen worlds of meaning. And who knows, maybe cosmic blueprints of other “realms of reality” absent from western worldviews.

Sometimes when I look at the abstract designs I begin to wonder if they might be vibrational patterns of ancient energetic fields. The Kuna believe that there are eight layers in the universe. Almost the same number of layers of fabric needed to create a mola. But then…underneath the eighth layer is yet “another layer of worlds” like “hidden molas” that are waiting to be revealed.

Prayer: Great Mystery that embraces the earth and the heavens, we send you greetings. Sacred energies of the ancient harmonies, we join you as you dance the dream once again.

Bless unto us this day fish and meat, banana and taro, squash and yam.For grace upon grace, and worlds upon worlds we thank you. Today and everyday.

About Rafael Vallejo

Rafael Vallejo is minister at Queen Street East, Toronto. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online