Monday: Sorrow into Joy

Psalm 30: 6-12:
In my prosperity I said, “This is forever; nothing can stop me now! The Lord has shown me his favor. He has made me steady as a mountain.” Then, Lord, you turned your face away from me and cut off your river of blessings.Suddenly my courage was gone; I was terrified and panic-stricken.

I cried to you, O Lord; oh, how I pled: “What will you gain, O Lord, from killing me? How can I praise you then to all my friends? How can my dust in the grave speak out and tell the world about your faithfulness? Hear me, Lord; oh, have pity and help me.”

Then he turned my sorrow into joy! He took away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy so that I might sing glad praises to the Lord instead of lying in silence in the grave. O Lord my God, I will keep on thanking you forever!

Reflection: What is the mourning in your life that just like the rising of the sun each day, you would pray for God to turn it to joy?

Photo: Sunrise on Tiberias

About Gail Doering

Gail Doering is a Presbyterian minister on a three-week pilgrimage to Galilee, the West Bank, Jordan and New York City. She lives in Concord, California, but is doing interim ministry in North Bend, Oregon. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online