Thursday: The Lord’s Prayer

Pray the Lord’s Prayer or Our Father in a variety of translations throughout the day. Find a song setting that fits. I recalls someone telling me or preaching that this prayer is the most subversive and radical prayer but we have sanitised it and we drone the meaning out of it. So, say it slowly. Hang on each word. Consider the context and Jesus’ call to us to “pray in this way.”Reclaim and revive the ancient words that bind so many Christians together in a single act of worship.

Photo: The Church of Pater Noster

About Gail Doering

Gail Doering is a Presbyterian minister on a three-week pilgrimage to Galilee, the West Bank, Jordan and New York City. She lives in Concord, California, but is doing interim ministry in North Bend, Oregon. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online