Saturday: My Sabbath

My Sabbath day…so I start my day when my body wakes me up…so a little later than normal with my posting…I am into my second week of house/pet sitting for friends as they experience Scotland and England with their children… Last week when I arrived the trees that are level with the upper deck where just budding…now the buds are busting open…and here comes the pollen! I love Spring but the pollen is hard on me…but I digress…this morning for my private devotion I read one of my email devotions based on the writings of C. S. Lewis…so let me share a portion of it with you…

“We produce this sense of ownership not only by pride but by confusion. We teach them not to notice the different senses of the possessive pronoun—the finely graded differences that run from ‘my boots’ through ‘my dog’, ‘my servant’, ‘my wife’, ‘my father’, ‘my master’ and ‘my country’, to ‘my God’. They can be taught to reduce all these senses to that of ‘my boots’, the ‘my’ of ownership.” Taken from the “The Screwtape Letters” from “A Year With C.S. Lewis”

“My God, My God why have you forsaken me”…was the first thing that came to mind as I read about the “my” ownership…then my mind shifted to those 14 2 & 3 years old that I spend the majority of my week with…”it’s mine” “Apple took my toy” “Tie my shoe” “I want my milk”…then I thought of my own thoughts this week “I miss my Momma” “I miss my children” “My Momma…” “My daddy…” Then I thought how often are my prayers filled with “my” ownership…wonder what a prayer would look like without “my” ownership…wonder what a prayer would look like without “our” ownership…
So lets see if I can do it…join me now

Good morning God,
Thank you for rest that was a gift from you. Rest is so important to bodies…
Thank you for the gift of Springtime…when new life burst forth…
Thank you for healing…both physical and emotional…You are the Great Physician…
Grief is hard…it can be a lonely process…but with assurance You are present in it…You are the Comforter whose peace passes all understanding…
Thank you for today, for all the joys that it brings…for the sorrows that occur…for all that You provide there is thanksgiving.
This prayer is offered in Your Son’s most Holy name…Amen

Not simple but the Spirit worked with me to guide the words…enjoy your day…now I am going to fix another cup of coffee, have some breakfast and continue to watch two little wrens that are building their nest in the flower pot sitting on a shelf on the porch…hoping to catch some pictures that I will share later…

About Joanne Sharpe

Joanne Sharpe is a Presbyterian who teaches at a Missouri Synod Lutheran school, attends classes at Austin Presbyterian Seminary, and serves as director of children's ministries at an ECLA church. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online