Wednesday: A Prayer for Renewal

A Prayer for Renewal (from the Iona Community)

Bless to us, O God, this day, fresh made. In the chorus of birds, bless us. In the scent of blossoms, bless us. In the wet grass and the spring flowers, bless us.

Bless us and heal us. For we come to you in love and in trust. We come to you in expectant hope.

Quiet reflection

O God, give us a well of tears to wash away the hurts of our lives. O God, give us a well of tears to cleanse the wounds, to bathe the battered face of our world.

O God, give us a well of tears or we are left, like arid earth, unsanctified. Heal us and your grieving world of all that harms us.

Quiet reflection

By the power of your Resurrection, you restore us to new life. You set us on new paths. You bring us from darkness to light. You are our hope!

This is the Good News, today and forevermore: Love is more powerful than death! Alleluia. Amen.

About Sarah Flynn Erickson

Sarah Flynn Erickson is director of lifelong learning at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online