Monday: A Man Was Lost

A man was lost in the desert. Later, when describing his ordeal to his friends, he told how, in sheer despair he had knelt down and cried out to God to help him.
“ And did God answer your prayer?” he was asked
“ Oh, no! Before He could, an explorer appeared and showed me the way.”

(Anthony de Mello, “The prayer of the frog”)

– Take some time to meditate in the meaning of Grace
– Thank God for the many times that Grace has appeared amidst of our personal deserts of the soul
– Ask God for the gift to become a sign of Grace in the life of others

About Daylins Rufin Pardo

Daylins Rufin Pardo serves as an ordained minister with a Baptist Community called “La Sagrada Familia” (Holy Family) in Alamar, Cuba. She teaches at Instituto de Ciencias de Religion and at Seminario Evangelico de Teologia de Matanzas. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online