Sunday: In the Quest for the Divine

“The master was in an expansive mood so his disciples sought to learn from him the stages he had passed through in his quest for the divine.

“God first led me by the hand” he said, “ into the Land of Action and there I dwelt for several years. The He returned and led me to the Land of Sorrows; there I lived until my heart was purged of every inordinate attachment. That is when I found myself in the Land of Love whose burning flames consumed whatever was left in me of self. This brought me to the Land of Silence where the mysteries of life and death were bared before my wondering eyes.”

“Was that the final stage of your request?” they asked.

“No,” the Master said. “One day God said Today I shall take you to the innermost sanctuary of the Temple, to the heart of God him/herself, And I was led to the land of Laughter.”

(Anthony the Melo, The Saints)


Send your peace, almighty God,
which is perfect and everlasting, that our souls may radiate peace.

Send your peace, almighty God,
that we may think, act and speak harmoniously.

Send your peace, almighty God,
that we may be contented and thankful for your bountiful gifts.

Send your peace, almighty God
that amidst our worldly strife, we may enjoy your bliss.

Send your peace, almighty God
that we may endure all, tolerate all, in the thought of your Grace and Mercy.

Send your peace, almighty God,
that our lives may become a Divine vision and in your light, all darkness may vanish.

Send your peace almighty God
our Father and Mother, that we your children on Earth may all unite in one family. Amen.

About Daylins Rufin Pardo

Daylins Rufin Pardo serves as an ordained minister with a Baptist Community called “La Sagrada Familia” (Holy Family) in Alamar, Cuba. She teaches at Instituto de Ciencias de Religion and at Seminario Evangelico de Teologia de Matanzas. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online