Letting God and Letting God

One thing about being a senior, is the realization of how much you have taken for granted through the years.

Of course you always gave thanks for special things like your years with your spouse, your children, grandchildren, new home etc. etc. but things like being able to drive at night, opening stuck jar lids, lifting sand bags into the back of the station wagon in the winter…were such a part of your life you never thought they might be taken from you some day.

But, those things that have been left behind are replaced by blessings you never thought of years ago. Who knew grandchildren would grow into such devoted and accomplished individuals, or that the sight of great grandchildren would warm your heart and fill your face with smiles.

God never leaves a vacuum. But, you do have to be open to his plans and be wise enough to lay aside some of those things of which you have claimed ownership and which were somewhat precious to you. Letting go is hard to do.

I watched while my dearest friend cried as her Parkinson’s no longer allowed her to paint anymore. I have a small gallery of her paintings…some done especially for me. But my heart broke with her the day she was told her eyesight was failing rapidly.

I see another friend with a sudden physical impairment that will reflect on her ability to garden…and she had the prettiest garden in town for years and years.

I still mourn the loss of Harry…54 years was a long time to live with someone and the house and my life seemed so empty. But God said “Share your faith,” so I teach a Bible class here at the house every Friday and I write a blog once a week. My eldership attendance was down during the winter but with the longer daylight hours that changes.

God has not forsaken me. He has just re-routed me. So I have let go of some of the old pleasures and responsibilities and expect He has something still to fill my days. Actually it is quite exciting…God seems to love to surprise me and right now I am waiting patiently for his next exciting assignment.

Photo: “Dolceacqua43 – Artista locale mentre dipinge un acquarello” by DongioOwn work. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons.