Sunday: What Sustains

A blessed Sunday morning to you, Friends. This poem came to me a few years ago, while I was browsing in a bookstore and happened to pick up a book called “Reduced to Joy”. Perhaps because it is Sunday, but when I re-read it this morning, the words put me in mind of communion, when Christians come together to share the cup and the bread and celebrate the sustaining presence of the Christ in our hearts, in our lives, in our relationships. The poem is called “What Sustains” by Mark Nepo.

What Sustains

The more I am hollowed
by the fire, the more my ribs
spread like the tree of life.

The more I am washed
by the tears of others, the more
my heart rounds like an ocean shell.

The more stories I tell
of how one picks up another,
the more my hands open
like scoops for grain.

To be what others drink,
to be what others stand on
to reach what they love–
we should be so lucky
to be worn to this.
May this day bless you in surprising ways,
and may you be a blessing to all you encounter.

About Anne Hoganson

Anne Hoganson is a graduate of Atlantic School of Theology, Halifax. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online