Saturday: The Slow Work of God

My congregation is having Camp Sunday tomorrow and the passage is about the interaction between Jesus and Zacchaeus from Luke 19. The guest preacher is a camp director and her sermon is called The slow work of God. I am looking forward to her message because we need to be reminded that God works in a completely different timeframe from our own (remember the Kronos vs. kairos lectures from seminary?)

Let us pray.

God of all times and ages, in you we place our hope. Remind us that your time is not our time and that we need to be patient in all things. Give the wisdom to listen for your Spirit in our midst. Give us the patience to be open to the Spirit’s guidance. Yes. No. Not yet. Help us to trust and obey for you are our Creator, Redeemer, and Friend. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.

About Emma Duncan

Emma Duncan is minister at Knox, Burlington, Ont. This reflection is from CASA: An Experiment in Doing Church Online