The Guilt and Shame That Binds Us

The article by Dr. Martina McGowan in the links below is very helpful. I especially appreciate the way the link photograph captures the oppressive mood of shame.

In the East of Eden category there are a few posts that I made that should have a TMI warning attached. (I won’t link to them, you should not find them unless the Lord is leading you.)

These were made after a long process of prayerful discernment as part of my escape from shame to rejoice in the Lord’s forgiveness. They were made under the guidance of Jesus to disarm the demonic whispers seeking to entrap me in darkness through the extortion of the threat to expose my shame.

Now that, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, these horrible things are out in the light of Christ, published as a matter of public record that anyone with a browser can unearth, I am free of that ugly blackmailer. My sins are nailed to the cross. They are dead to me and I am dead to them. And we are are dead to the world and alive in Jesus. I live in Christ. I walk in the Light. And there is no shame.

“There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus…”