Massimo Faggioli: “It’s the ecology…..”, It was meant to be a linky but turned into a thinky

Hooray, for the Pope! Preach it, pastor, preach it!

You can read Pope Francis’ encyclical Letter ‘Laudato si’ on the Vatican website by CLICKING HERE.

(Note: I own the Pope as a brother in Christ. I don’t believe he is the head of the Church (Jesus is), but bro. Francis is the ‘lead pastor’ of the largest organization of Christians in the world.

Also note: while I am not entirely comfortable with the Pope’s ‘mother earth’ language it is an appropriate metaphor for earthlings who are formed out of dust.  Physically we are of this earth.  Physically we are animals.

The pope’s petition offering his work to the Lord ‘through’ mother earth is a variation of Roman Catholic practice of mediating prayer through saints and angels.  It’s not best Biblical practice, it is not helpful in encouraging good  discipleship, but I can forgive him and get on with his main points.)


Some thoughts provoked by the pope’s publication:

Our original earthly purpose as human beings is to be good gardeners (See Genesis 2:15).

As by God’s grace we are saved through faith in Jesus Christ our sanctification includes returning to our purpose to care for the earth. Ecology, Economics & Ecumenism all share the Greek Word ‘oikos’ in common. ‘Oikos’ meaning house. We need to look after our house. Loving the Lord our God and Loving our neighbour as we love ourselves means that we are to practice sound ecology, fair economics, and good fellowship within the Church along with good relations between Christians and others who do not yet embrace Jesus as Lord.

It is in this sanctification, including our care for the earth and for our fellow earthlings, that we will be revealed as children of God when Jesus returns to renew the heavens and the earth. Meanwhile, now, in this time of filth, sin, greed & exploitation “…the creation waits with eager longing for the revelation of the sons of God….”Romans 8:19

(Note: ‘sonship’ is the ancient language of inheritance. Thus, females in Christ are as much ‘sons’ of God as males in Christ. That is to say in Jesus both men and women are royal heirs with Christ with full authority of the Father to rule in the power of the Holy Spirit according to God’s Word.)

Also note: These snatches of theological reflection provoked by the Pope’s publication of his encyclical pretty much get to the heart of what this eclectic blog is all about. Everything is under Jesus, the whole human culture, including our ecology, our economics, and our relationship with each other.

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