Searching for me!

Last week’s Encouragement about how we leverage the hours outside church for discipleship prompted one of our faithful readers, Angela, to share with me a poem she wrote. Perhaps you will find it encouraging, too! I share it with you, with Angela’s permission.

Searching for me!

Searching for me!

Where oh where can my ‘who’ be?

I’ve protected you for so long,

By avoiding and denying,

Escaping the truth?  Or, the real me?

Molding into illusions created by others.

What do I need?

Permission to be ‘who I am’!

What do I want?

A way – a method – to discover my ‘self’,

My true identity as

‘the blessed one’,

‘beloved child of the Father’.

I am that one sheep

The shepherd left 99 to find.

I am the lost coin,

Sought for and rejoiced over.

I am the prodigal daughter

Whose father awaits her return.

I am the Father’s treasure, His pearl of great value –

And He gave everything He had to redeem me.

May you see yourself as the Father’s treasure!

[T]here is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over ninety-nine others who are righteous and haven’t strayed away!” (Luke 15.7b, NLT).