Armour Heights, Toronto

Rev. Bill Middleton was born on the Isle of Arran, Scotland. A graduate of Aberdeen and Edinburgh Universities, he was ordained a minister of the Church of Scotland in 1964. He served the parishes of Rerrick and Auchencairn (1964-71) and Carnwath (1971-78) where he was also chaplain of the State Hospital of Scotland.

During a visit to Canada in the summer of 1977, he was introduced to Armour Heights and was called as minister in the fall of that year. Inducted in February 1978, he has continued to serve as minister until July of this year when he began his well-deserved retirement.

His many accomplishments include presiding over the successful amalgamation of the former Melrose Park with Armour Heights and helping bring about the establishment of a health ministry program and the appointment of a parish nurse.

Bill has served as interim moderator for several churches and clerk of East Toronto presbytery. We wish him and his wife Mary, daughter Jane and granddaughter Isabella joy and happiness as they gain more time to spend together.

His final words to us: “We are the church together.”

About Armour Heights Presbyterian Church