
For four months I laboured. It was to be a love gift I would leave to my girls and grandchildren. Oh, the work involved! And so many times I was in way over my head…a computer expert I am not. But a friend had faith in me…”I’ll show you how to do it and after a bit it will come easy.” The after a bit part took longer than I thought it would.

Then when I thought it was done, it was not right and had to be completely revamped. She never gave up on me and for that I am truly thankful.

When I was finally finished I knew it was truly a labor of love.

I had finally accomplished putting three years of web stories into one file to be printed. The first effort took several months, but then, the printer would only accept a PDF file. Of course, I had no idea what that was, but by golly, I learned. And I learned the hard way, by trial and error.

But half way through I realized I was having fun and when it was over there was truly good feeling.

But right at the end of my venture, a family problem occurred. Suddenly the book I had attached so much attention to, had to take second place in my priorities.

It was a bit shocking to realize that for four months I had nearly had a nervous break- down over something as innocuous as my book when there was a real problem on the horizon.

Very quickly my priorities fell into place and my book copies were placed in a box for future placement later. They are still dear to me and the learning experience was great but now things have somewhat changed.

God’s message in all this is somewhat difficult to decipher but I know he has a plan. So I pray a lot and ask for guidance.

Nothing has been lost, neither my time, nor my effort. He will use that down the way but right now he has a different road for me to travel and we’ll see what tomorrow has in store.

Photo by Christopher Stephen via Flickr, CC 2.0