A Long History of Messes

Re One Sunday Afternoon, July/August

The yarn started to unravel. An obvious advocacy move. Then, differing perspectives. One minority against another. Soon enough, a mess.
It’s certainly not novel—not in scripture. Paul even tells Peter off to his face, because Peter resisted eating with the Gentiles after the conservatives came from Jerusalem and tried to re-impose purity codes. (Galatians 2:11-12)

Not novel, in the church, in Reformation and Counter-Reformation days.

More recently, in the protracted pro-Union, anti-Union perspectives.

Now, another mess? Yes, and on a  Sunday, the Lord’s Day.

Might God be at work in and through, because of and in spite of our messes?

Do I hear a yogi-angel call out “Déjà vu, all over again?

Nevertheless, Thy will be done.”