That ‘Presbyterian’ Thing

The Presbyterian Smoke
If you are like me, every once in a while you delve back into the unsavoury world of smoking. No, I’m not talking about those little rolled pieces of paper filled with the Virginia ditch weed the growers sweep off the floor once all the top buyers have had their pick. And no, I am certainly not talking about those new electronic vapour things. I mean real honest, sweet, smooth, latikia blended, single-farm-only pipe tobacco. I would never advise any non-smoker to take up a torch and run, but if you happen to be a regular or, like me, a once-a-year dabbler then I may have something for you. As Martin Luther famously wrote, if you are going to sin, “sin boldly.” So if you’re going to smoke, why not smoke Presbyterian brand pipe tobacco?
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The Presbyterian Drink
Many years ago, Scottish immigrants left their homeland filled with Scotch whisky and honey. And over the years, many of those Scots found their way into Virginia and Kentucky. There the locals had their own distinctive type of whiskey called bourbon. Local Scots became famous for a simple drink mixture. Over the years many different variations have come and gone, and certain areas add subtle differences of course, but there remains at its purist form a humble little drink called, “The Presbyterian” (or alternatively the “Bourbon Pres”). You can try Martha Stewart’s version, if you like. Or you can stick to the basics: equal parts bourbon, ginger ale and soda water.
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The Presbyterian Bucket List
Everyone needs one of those lists of things you want to do before you die. Don’t have one? Well, lucky for you the good folks at have compiled just such a list. They published “12 Things Presbyterians Should do Before They Die” and I must say, I found myself agreeing with them. Number 6 is, “Next visit hell… That is, go to a presbytery meeting.” I’ll let you read the rest of these little gems for yourself.
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A Presbyterian Video
Now I suspect there are only a select few that this particular video might speak to but I’m going to list it anyway. “Stuff Presbyterian Seminarians Say” is perhaps better titled “Stuff Presbyterian Seminary Students Say if They Are Under 35 and Graduated Within the Last 10 Years,” but still… it really “speaks into my heart” and I for one “want to just echo” its sentiment. I can’t tell you how often I’ve found myself praying the words, “God of non-gender specific pronouns, please [fill in the blank].”