Reza has been on the move for 17 days


Reza, 24, has been on the move for 17 days, starting in Afghanistan, then Iran, Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Serbia, on a train through Hungary, to Austria. I walked with him a little while from train to border.

He wants to settle in Sweden where he has friends.

His family is in Iran. He has been on the move for a year.

He says Iran is very corrupt and the government is lying about everything. They had to sign the agreement with the west and they are lying about it. His sister has to pay a lot of money to go to school; which should be free for her.

His English is impeccable. He said he taught himself to speak studying in the evenings. He has taught English in Iran; though he himself only has a junior high education. “I have a very long journey. I am young; I want to seek my goals.”

Andrew Faiz is writing from Eastern Europe where he is visiting refugees and travelling with Rev. Karen Horst, Moderator of the 2015 General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. These images and reflections were originally posted on our Facebook page.