Faith Leaders Sign Statement on Climate Change and Poverty

Twenty-six faith leaders signed a statement in late September calling for action on the “twin challenges” of climate change and poverty in Canada.
The statement notes in particular the challenges faced by Canada’s indigenous peoples who “have long experienced the effects of poverty, and are commonly among the first to experience the effects of climate change.”

The five-page statement calls for action on a number of fronts including the creation of a comprehensive plan to decarbonize the Canadian economy and set ambitious emission reduction targets, steps to eliminate poverty and homelessness, and embracing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action.

“When we speak ecumenically it carries more weight,” said Rev. Karen Horst, Moderator of the General Assembly, who signed the statement on behalf of the Presbyterian Church.She noted that we never know when a pivotal moment might come and the voices of churches and other faith groups can tip the balance.

The statement, which was coordinated by the Canadian Council of Churches, was released in advance of the United Nations’ approval of the Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 goals will succeed the Millennium Development Goals, which are due to expire at the end of the year, and will run from 2016 to 2030.

You can find the full statement online at, and can learn more about the Sustainable Development Goals at