Honouring a Servant of God

Re Prominent Presbyterian Evangelist Dies, November

May I congratulate the Presbyterian Record’s staff for accurately noting the passing of Rev. Dr. Larry Brice. Often in the life of the church there are those who do not receive the recognition within the church that they deserve. My friend Larry was one of those who quietly invested his life, his being, and his estate in promoting the Kingdom of God here on earth. I am certain Larry will find his place at his Lord’s feet. But, back here, we too, have our tasks and responsibilities. Reachout Ministries must be wound up by Dec. 31, 2015 but our corporate responsibility is to remove any outstanding costs of Larry’s ministry, which I fear will fall on Larry’s estate and vicariously on his wife and their children. The new year will come and tax deductible receipts will go, and who cares? It would be my plea that we corporately and individually honour this faithful servant of God by eliminating any debit balance of Reachout Ministries. 

About Robert F. Flindall, Peterborough, Ont.