A Hug How-To (or Not-To)

Now I’ve mentioned Blimey Cow before but I really like this video so I’m going to send you there again. This time the Taylor brothers have tackled that strange reality known as the hug. From those “Too Long” hugs to the “Stranger” hug, we’ve probably all been in a not-so-comfortable hugging situation. Here the boys remind the viewers of 10 odd hugs that seem to creep their way into everyone’s lives from time to time. Be honest, you know exactly what I mean.

Interfaith Community
The Tri-Faith Initiative is a West Omaha, Nebraska, project between three different worshipping communities from the Abrahamic tradition. As the name suggests, there are three partners: Temple Israel, the American Muslim Institute and the church where my sister is on the board, Countryside Community Church (a congregation of the United Church of Christ). The Tri-Faith Initiative is currently in the building stages. It is a shared campus with three different houses of worship plus one central and shared space meant to foster greater communication and respect while maintaining each religion’s unique voice.
Find it @ trifaith.org.
God and Stuff is a pretty good site. With the tagline, “Christianity: Not Just for Old People” they’ve got to be good, right? The creator is a high school dropout and Bible-college-kicked-out (but then again, so was I … don’t worry, they reversed the error and I got back in). Now it’s fair to say that this fellow has some weak spots in his armour and certainly he is a bit on the charismatic side but overall he has great insights and is a lot of fun. Check out titles like, “If we are false Christians would we know it,” or go to his Evangelism 101 tab for “If Christianity has not changed your life, you are doing it wrong.”
Website no longer available.

I love B-movies. Bruce Campbell is my favourite actor of all time. I also love odd stories. Those big blockbuster films are so predictable. Why not have dinosaurs from outer space time travel to colonial New England in order to save the world from a bizarre-o alternate reality version of George Washington? Why not?! Movies don’t all have to be Oscar-worthy; they just have to be fun! The truth is, a “good” bad movie is a great way to get a laugh. Now combine that good ol’ Plan 9 from Outer Space-loving attitude with the fact that for some reason conservative Christians love to make bad knockoffs of popular things and, boom! You’ve got yourself a terrible copy of the 2006 smash hit High School Musical. Now just swap out Zac Efron and Ashley Tisdale for some random folks from your mega-church and out pops this gem of a flick from Faith Films aptly titled Sunday School Musical. Yeah, they got all creative. This thing is 93 minutes of cringe-worthy youth group fun. Just, you know … watch it ironically. It is soooo bad. I love it!
Find it @ amazon.com, or watch the trailer on youtube.com.