Project Ploughshares, Waterloo, Ont.

Philip MacFie is the 2015-2016 peace and security intern at Project Ploughshares, a non-governmental organization that aims to create a more peaceful world through policy development and research.

MacFie, who grew up in Parkwood Presbyterian in Ottawa, said he really got thinking about mission and social justice when he helped out with a peace camp for youth in the presbytery. “It challenged me to look at social issues from a Christian perspective and think about what I might do,” he said.

His education includes bachelor’s and master’s degrees in history from the University of Ottawa and the University of Toronto respectively. He has also completed a post-graduate program in public administration at Humber College in Toronto.

His work with Waterloo-based Project Ploughshares includes helping with the organization’s annual Armed Conflict Report, writing articles on topics like the United Nations’ Conference on Disarmament, and speaking with young people at the synod’s next Presbyterian Young People’s Society weekend.

The peace and security internship is funded by undesignated bequests to the Presbyterian Church. MacFie will be the final intern appointed under the current program.