More Love Needed

Re The Wide Boulevard, February
“It is to weep!” I don’t think I have ever quoted that phrase before, but when reading the latest issue of the Record it sprang to mind as I discovered the vitriol that was in the excerpts from letters to the editor concerning an article in the December issue. Wow! No love there!

Having read the statistics quoted by David Harris before I saw those letters I began to think that perhaps there was a correlation. Have young people stopped going to church because they don’t think they need God in their lives, or have they grown up in congregations where only certain opinions could be expressed and no enthusiasm for new ideas could be tolerated?

The article by Jonathan Scott was not part of a campaign. The election was over. Like it or not he was speaking about our now Prime Minister who had dared to mention a chapter of the Bible as a good thing. Speaking as someone over 80 I realize we can’t expect all “sunny days” ahead but we should rejoice that we still have younger people like Jonathan in the church thinking positively instead of looking for the worst in people.

Perhaps those letter writers should concentrate on Jesus’ message in Luke 6, or at least read the message by Rev. Fred Stewart in the February Record.
By the way, thank you, Andrew Faiz, for your response to the letters. And I did enjoy the articles that month about new ways of doing church. More love there.

About Joan Hilliard, Renfrew, Ont.