Mysterious Memorials

Re Poetry, Hymns, War, February

Kudos to Tess Bridgewater for her story on graveyard history. Having spent much of my life in cemeteries, at one time being an authority on tombstone architecture, I identified with the gems from history located in them.

Well do I recall one in St. Mary’s, Ont., southwest of Stratford. I came across the grave of a man who drowned when the Titanic went down in 1912.

How someone from that faraway tragedy ended up there is the kind of mystery rivaling the memorial in St. Andrew’s Fergus, for Robert McGillivray who died February 30, 1854.

Believe me, he’s not the only one whose death or burial was incorrect. I officiated at an interment outside of Pugwash, N.S., on the wrong day because the epitaph had already been carved in the granite.