No foolin’!

I’ve never been a fan of pranks, whether on April 1 or any other day.  I enjoy a good laugh as much as anyone else does, but not at the expense of others’ dignity.  Good, creative April Fool jokes can be most enjoyable.  I read Model Railroader magazine each month, and the creative staff at Kalmbach Publishing do an outstanding job of finding new ways to trick readers.  (This year, it was a product review of a tower and depot kit from “Seed Scale Models”.  In the box was a pine cone and some acorns!  I wonder how long people were strung along by that one?)

Our culture suggests that anybody who falls for a prank on April 1 is a fool.  But the Bible defines a fool differently.  It says:

Only fools say in their hearts, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14.1a, NLT).

Richard Dawkins and company may work tirelessly in an attempt to discredit Christian notions of God, but atheists come and go as they have come and gone for centuries.  The Word of the Lord stands forever, and ultimately, we will find out in eternity who “wins”.

I’m putting my bets on God, made known in his Son Jesus Christ, and in his Word in Scripture.  If I’m wrong, I’ve lost nothing.  But if I’m right, I will gain eternity.  With that in mind, I’d rather be a fool for Christ in this life than a fool who says there’s no God.

How about you?