Just a few words

Sometimes, just a few words is all it takes.

Have you ever thought, “I don’t know how to encourage people.”  Most of us have.  But in all likelihood, we have encouraged someone, and not even known it.  But there is value in being intentional about encouraging others.

On Wednesday night this week, our youth group had a different kind of scavenger hunt.  FullSizeRenderAmong the things on the list that they could choose to achieve in this hunt was to write a note of encouragement to the pastor.  And someone decided to take that seriously (see the photo).

I’ve been in a place lately where I might best describe myself as feeling like a dull blade in need of sharpening.  So you can imagine what this simple little note, written by a member of our congregation’s youth group, did for me when I came in on Thursday morning.  Sometimes, just a few words is all it takes.

What simple way, what few words, can you use to encourage someone else today?

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15.5-6, NIV).