Letter to the Editor: Re Speaking Truth in Love, by Robert Barr

The whole issue of the LGBT (etc.) sector of the populace is that it is difficult to address from the heterosexual side. It is difficult to criticize the practices and public displays of so called pride because the only available word to describe that criticism is homophobia, which is strictly speaking incorrect. One can be a critic of this section of society without hate entering into it. We need new words, gentler words, to allow us to address certain public behaviours and practices, without being branded as homophobes. We must find words which will permit some discussion to take place in a healthier attitudinal climate without rancour, without venom, without exclusion. Until such time as we can come up with a lexicon of acceptable and relevant words, we are paralyzed by not having the tools to respond in a meaningful fashion without getting a blast of protest from the LGBT population.

The other major issue is the classification and determination of what constitutes homosexuality, etc.: Is it a genetic stamp on a persons physiology or is it preferential behaviour? One has the force of nature to support it, the other one might border on perversion. Until we get these conditions properly discussed defined and agreed to we shall be always be speaking at cross-purposes. I believe and to my understanding observe, the LGBT brothers and sisters to be an inclusive part of modern society, trying to gain respectability and acknowledgement. There are some hold outs and some cruelty directed negatively toward this burgeoning sector as it grows daily with self declaration of identities and gender challenges being resolved, so it is timely to discuss some of those basic problems. Only in this way, with a better lexicon and a better definition of homosexuality and its associated conditions, will the heterosexual population satisfactorily cope with this and reach a kinder, more inclusive and loving relationship with our LGBT brothers and sisters.

Robert Barr, West Vancouver