Hidden Danger

Yesterday I had a delightful visit from a cousin…well Harry’s cousin, but I have claimed her as mine as I love her dearly.

I hadn’t seen her for months and I noticed a few lines on her face I had not seen before and I am sure the road-map on mine had gained a few detours and streets.

We were having a wonderful time when she looked quizzically at me and said, “There is a grasshopper sitting right beside your ear on the back of your chair.”

WOW!!! I was out of that chair like a shot. Mice and grasshoppers are very high on my list of “dangerous things around the house”.   I think I got frightened of them years back when visiting my grandmother in the interior of B.C.

She had found a bike for me to drive up and down the street and I can still hear the grasshoppers as they hit the wheels…there seemed to be hundreds of them. Not the best of memories of my visit to grandma’s house.

Yes, we did dispose of the grasshopper. He stayed still a mite too long and I dealt him a blasting blow with the fly-swatter. He was in pieces at the end and so was I. Took me ten minutes before my heart slowed down.

What if my cousin hadn’t seen him…?

Such a fuss I know and I bet there are some of you just shaking your heads. It did make me think about how many other dangers are sitting there on my shoulder, unknown, invisible but maybe seen by others.

I’m not especially fond of taking advice, (I’m really good at dishing it out though), but yesterday taught me that others can sometimes see dangers that are hidden from my eyes. Parents have been advising their children of the same thing for years and Scripture is there to do just that, especially for stubborn seniors like me that often fail in their wisdom.

We all have our own fears…mice are high on most people’s list, some don’t like snakes, daughter Lyn doesn’t like dragon flies (I think they are beautiful) and of course bees get a quick response from most people they meet.

Scripture does a good job of reminding us of hidden dangers and we don’t often listen and we don’t much like them pointed out to us.

I still don’t like grasshoppers but even they can remind us all about hidden dangers. All of God’s creatures have a purpose…even scary, fast moving grasshoppers.

Photo by Ben Ostrowsky via Flickr/CC