Letter to the Editor: Reconcile Christianity and Science

Re Resurrection-Shaped Renewal, March

This certainly centralizes the heart of the problem which the Christian church has experienced since its beginnings. The elephant in the room is the Resurrection and how we deal with it will decide the evolution, the interpretation, it must undergo if it is to vindicate itself to science. We really have to get to the heart of the matter and try to understand what it really means.

Nature balances the forces in and of the earth, and life and death of life-forms are a part of this overall equilibrium in our planet’s orbit of the sun. As individual life-forms we are part of our species and our presence taken as a whole, plays a major part in shaping the equilibrium of our world.

What was religiously thought to be personal renewal is really the renewal of the likeness of ourselves within mankind. In our intrinsic nature we are what we come from. We are not separated from it. The planet is us. We are the planet. Irrespective of the variations in earthly life-forms, they are served by the same underlying structure. It is only in their final physical representation that they are different. As the planet evolves so do we evolve. As the planet changes its forms of expression so do we. We too are transformed. The likeness of what we are as individuals pertains to our innate being which remains the same for us all. Our actual individuality is a consequence of the dispersion of our original nature over millions of years into myriad forms. To correct the imbalance in the loss of energies from within the above underlying structure it must respond by enacting their replacement. Simply, what was like us comes again. It suggests that our absence by death is replaced by our renewal in life as part of humanity’s contribution in maintaining planetary equilibrium.

The renewal of all things is sustained by the Law of Conservation of Mass which states that the transformation of matter into a different form rather than its destruction is the correct interpretation of reality. Furthermore if depth psychology can find in the Resurrection a meaning which can satisfy reason then the meaning of Christ Risen and Jesus Saves could justifiably be claimed with rational certainty. But if the meaning of the Resurrection fails in its appeal to the court of reason then it will be viewed as a fabrication, or an illusion.

Why Christ has been portrayed as the way the truth and the life for nearly 2000 years is because of his meaning in our unconscious. As the light, the door, the alpha and the omega, he reveals himself as metaphor for a reality waiting to be discovered. What He represents was declared in the language of his time and we must tell his story in the language of our time, to bring the truth into focus.

I believe the posture we have to adopt in this age of accelerated change, is to reconcile Christianity and science. A task not impossible with more fundamental research into the unconscious within us.

About Dennis Sutherland, Victoria, B.C.