Letter to the Editor: Generosity of Others

Born Again, April

While Mr. Webber makes some thoughtfully considered observations, it must not be forgotten that the work of the Cariboo House Church Ministries might have been very different had it not been for the yearly grants from Presbyterians Sharing, the periodic short-term grants from the Synod of British Columbia and gifts from across the church through ‘Friends of the Cariboo.’

I wonder how many of those congregations of “30 or fewer believers gathered weekly in cold church buildings to stare at the backs of one another’s heads” have not had their faith so ill informed that they still remember and believe that an important way to model the generosity of God is to share our worldly wealth with others?

Such generosity of others has benefited greatly missions like the Cariboo House Church. This must not be forgotten or treated as dismissively as I believe Mr. Webber has done.

About Rev. Herb Hilder, Prince George, B.C.