The Little Things in Life

Now, that is my first laugh this morning. I went to type “The little things in life” and my fingers typed in “The little sins in life.” Perhaps that would be a more interesting subject but I think I will save it for another day. Today my story is about the little things in life…ants.

I have a couple of peonies out front that just take your breath away when they are blooming. But there is a price to pay for all this glory. Ants, ants and more ants. They are essential if the peonies buds are to open and produce the grandeur I so enjoy. It seems they nibble away at a sticky secretion that is present on the buds.

The ants simply take over the front garden and the walkway each summer. Actually they are interesting little creatures…often dragging around things four times their length. Somewhere, under the cement drive, I think, they have a home.

I was most irritated when they decided to build a nest in the rockery under the tree out front and must admit I placed a tiny ant-catcher there. I bought these ant-catchers about ten years ago so they are probably useless but the ants architecture has slowed down considerably.

This morning I took my coffee out to the back deck. A family of magpies were screaming at each other as they pecked their way across my neighbours lawn. I watched as they headed towards her peonies then I saw the most amazing thing. The magpies were eating the ants that were on the peonies.

So, I guess they are good for something. I mean the ants. I have still not found anything that the magpies are good for. I guess if you had never seen one before you would think they were quite beautiful with their long tails and their black and white coats. But, they are quite territorial and keep the robins, song sparrows etc. at bay. I miss their music in my yard.

As I saw the magpies feasting on ants I finally accepted that the ants have a real role in the chain of life…they help open the peonies and they help feed the magpies. God is great. I just wish I knew what those magpies are good for. Someday I will ask him.