Legacy of Love

I often wonder what people will remember about me after I am gone… or actually, if they will remember me.   Recently our city published a book about many of the people that had impacted on the growth of our town. As it was only 8,000 when we arrived and it now nearly 60,000. I have watched it grow much as I have watched my children grow into adults and now grandparents.

Reading through the names and stories in that book is a walk down memory lane. Many I have known personally and a few are still alive and active. The author visited me last year and we spent 1 ½ hours together. When you meet another ‘author’ there is often a wonderful bonding that takes place and he wanted to know about Harry and I had lots of stories to tell. I met up with him again at the ‘book launch’ and it was like meeting an old friend. When I saw him I said “I read your write-up about Harry, it reads like a love story…” and then added, “maybe because it was a love story.”

It is titled “Harry Schneider, Visionary, Family Man and a Hugger at Church.”

The exploits of many of our earlier residents, speak of their business ventures, goals attained etc., but for me, it was his love of people that made him stand out… and there it was “A Hugger at Church”. That is a commendable legacy… to love one another as I have loved you.

Please, I do not mean to go overboard. He was very mortal and his German stubbornness and my Irish temper often set off major fireworks but we have 54 years of making up and so I have no complaints.

Our belief in God was the tie that bound us together. His mother had placed in him a respect for the church and what it represented. Often he balked at the evangelical aspects she presented, but they left their mark and as church was so much a part of my life he had no problem in it being a part of ‘our’ lives.

One of my dearest memories is of our sharing “The Daily Bread” just before he had his after-lunch nap. It always ended with a kiss before I tucked the blanket around him…those cancer years hold memories that are still edged in my mind, some bad, but this was always a good one and still makes me smile.

So love stories are still being told…even in church blogs. I hope you have enjoyed mine.