Seeing Through a Glass Darkly

We just had one of those beautiful autumn afternoons that melt your heart…warm west wind (the farmers will be delighted), drifting clouds and a warm but not hot sun. I sat on the back deck with the sun on my back and just drank it all in. I know it won’t last forever.

I could see down the block and the north hill. With the sun behind me, my vision seemed to stretch forever. Not satisfied with just the back deck, I ran to the front steps, book in hand, sunhat on and sat down and looked about. No, couldn’t see a thing. The south sun was blinding me…back I went to the deck, where I could see.

I wonder if God is a lot wiser than we give him credit for. He said we could only see through a glass darkly and maybe that was for our protection. If we could see the “Son” directly we would be nearly blinded…we could not comprehend the majesty and be completely overwhelmed.

But with God’s light shining behind us, we can see the beauty of his plans without being blinded by his glory.

I’m having some eye problems and I know down the road there will be a bit of surgery. I am having trouble with night vision and those headlights coming at me blind me. I have therefore given up my night driving. I did try sun glasses for a while but then everything was dark…including the headlights.

My friends who have been there insist my surgery will make a tremendous difference in my vision. I hope so. My doctor asks me to wait a while yet, so I take it a day at a time. This waiting is a reflection on the rest of my life, which I am taking a day at a time…there are restrictions on my activities, but I am coping and I have been given the assurance that down the road I won’t have to see through a glass darkly.

My faith life is much the same. I blunder along, occasionally getting insights but sometimes blind as a bat when it comes to understanding the Lord’s will. He is very patient with me and I know that someday, the ‘dark glass’ will be removed and my eyes will see the full glory of God. What a great day that will be.