Faith will overcome dictatorship, Myanmarese told

A Vatican-based cardinal has urged Roman Catholics in Myanmar, a country ruled by a military junta that does not allow democratic elections, that their faith will help them overcome difficulties they face on a daily basis.
"Remain firm in your Christian identity, be heralds and missionaries in your vocation as witnesses of Christ in the society in which you live," he said. "We know the problems and difficulties of all kinds that you come across every day," and their striving for human development requires "much enthusiasm, prudence, perseverance and reflection," Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe said in a sermon.
Both Myanmar and Laos, a communist country, are described by human rights groups as dictatorships largely closed to the outside world.
A Protestant pastor told Ecumenical News International that Christian churches are "relatively" free to minister in Myanmar, "as long as they keep their heads down, restrict themselves to social development activities like health and education, and do not get involved in politics".
Michael Mettason, ENI